News & Events

Year 7 Information Evening

Our Year 7 Information Evening was held via ZOOM on Thursday 25th November. This presentation communicated important information for our 2022 Year 7 enrolments. Please access the presentation below: .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; ...

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Newsletter Issue Five

In this issue – Principal’s Report Learning and Teaching Learning and Wellbeing Catholic Identity Year 12 Roll Call Gratitude Day Valedictory Year 8 French RESA VCAL SSV Netball College Production Awards Evening ...

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Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program

Congratulations to the recipient of the University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program, Year 10 student, Ellie MacGregor. The Program is an academic enrichment program designed to support a ...

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Semester Two Exam Timetable - Years 10 and Unit 2

The period from Monday 15th to Thursday 18th November has been set aside as assessment time in the form of exams for particular Year 10 and Unit 2 VCE subjects. Full school ...

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Resource List 2022

Please find attached our 2022 Resource Lists. Orders must be completed by Friday 17th December, 2021. To order online please access the Campion Education Online Ordering Portal below using the code 29J4. ...

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Physics Science Olympiad

In late July Year 11 student Ryan Heskey took part in the Physics Science Olympiad. The Australian Science Olympiads are a national enrichment program for secondary science students that  provide rewarding ...

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Newsletter Issue Four

In this issue – Principal’s Report Learning and Teaching Learning and Wellbeing Catholic Identity Year 12 Retreat Pathways and Careers Music Vic Country Representatives SSV Soccer SSV Netball SSV Cross Country ...

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SSV Cross Country

SSV Gippsland Cross Country Thursday 15th July saw 13 students compete at the 2nd round of SSV Cross Country at Lardner Park, Warragul. Of that group, six CCS students qualified for ...

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SSV Wellington Soccer

SSV Wellington Soccer Our Intermediate and Senior Soccer teams also had a good hit-out in the first round of SSV competition, held at Baldwin Reserve, Sale this week. In testing ...

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Years 9-10 SSV Netball

SSV Wellington Netball One of our Intermediate Netball teams have qualified for the Gippsland round of SSV competition, after an impressive display at their first interschool event at GRSC on ...

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Vic Country Sport Representatives

Four of our talented students have recently been rewarded with selection to Victoria Country representative teams in their chosen sports. Jonti Schuback (Year 11) was selected to the U17 Vic Country ...

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