College Governance

The College moved to a new governance structure on the 1st July 2022. The College is now known formally as ‘Catholic College Sale Limited’ and is governed by a College Board that will operate on behalf of the governing members: the Bishop of Sale and the Marist Provincial.

The College Board is made up of the following members:

  • Leonie Keaney (Chair)
  • Hon. Martin Dixon
  • Jeff Robbins
  • James Sullivan
  • Cathy Jenkins
  • Dr Karen Dwyer
  • Br. John Hilet
  • Principal – Chris Randell
  • Business Manager – Kaitlyn Abrahall

This is an exciting time in the evolution of the College and reinforces once again the commitment of the Bishop of Sale and the Marist Provincial to Catholic Education in Sale, and the learning and wellbeing in faith of our young people.


2013 Annual Report


2014 Annual Report


2015 Annual Report


2016 Annual Report


2017 Annual Report


2018 Annual Report


2019 Annual Report


2020 Annual Report


2021 Annual Report


2022 Annual Report